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 【対象】 教員、大学院生 等



Presenter Journal Publication  Author title
A. Yokoyama International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Aug 2021;18(16):8238 Ohta, et al. Older People's Help-Seeking Behaviors in Rural Contexts: A Systematic Review
M.Sato BMC Nephrol. Mar 2022;23(1):88 Yan, et al. Experiences and disease self-management in individuals living with chronic kidney disease: qualitative analysis of the National Kidney Foundation’s online community


Presenter Journal Publication  Author title
A. Iwaibara International Journal of Envionmental Research and Public Health Aug 2021; 18(16): 8238 Hiroshi Murayama. et al. Increase in Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Association with Mental Health: Findings from the JACSIS 2020 Study
A.Yokoyama International Journal of Envionmental Research and Public Health Aug 2021; 18(16): 8443 Akiko Shimizu. et al. The Contribution of Temporal Flat Lateral Position on the Mortality and Discharge Rates of Older Patients with Severe Dysphagia
M.Sato British Medical Journal Jan 2021; 19; 372: m4858 Richard J McManus. et al. Home and Online Management and Evaluation of Blood Pressure (HOME BP) using a digital intervention in poorly controlled hypertension: randomised controlled trial


Presenter Journal Publication  Author title
M. Sato STROKE  
Feb 19,2019 ; 50(3):705-712
Yasuko Fukuoka. Effects of a Disease Management Program for Preventing Recurrent Ischemic Stroke.

The New England 
Journal of Medicine (NEJM) 

May 7,2020 ; 382(19):1823-1831
Thomas F. Infections Associated with Resterilized Pacemakers and Defibrillators
A.Yokoyama The Lancet Sep 26,2020;396(10255) Alexandre de Figueiredo  
Mapping global trends in vaccine confidence and investigating barriers to vaccine uptake: a large-scale retrospective temporal modelling study.


日 程 担 当 Research Paper   参加メンバー
1月31日 S.Fukuda Early life diet conditions the molecular response to post-weaning protein restriction in the mouse BMC Biology,  2018 May 2;16(1):51. 中山、福田、多々納、藤田、中谷、松谷、阿川 
4月11日 N.Nakayama   GLIM criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition – A consensus report from the global clinical nutrition community Clinical Nutrition 38 2019 Pages 1-9 中山、名和田、谷口、藤田、福田、多々納、阿川


日 程 担 当 Research Paper   参加メンバー
10月25日 N.Nakayama  Mitochondorial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-M)regulates the cell metabolism of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors(pNET) and de-sensitizes pNET to mTOR inhibitors  Oncotarget,2017,Vol8(No.61) pp:103613-103625 中山、福田、多々納、平井、藤田、中谷、金山、松谷、阿川 
11月29日 K.Agawa  A randomised trial of early palliative care for maternal stress in infants prenatally diagnosed with single-ventricle heart disease Cardiology in the Young,2018,28,561-570 中山、福田、多々納、藤田、中谷、金山、松谷、阿川